Let’s find out why the increased numbers of visitors prefer to Transfer from Catania to Taormina?

Catania Fontanarossa Airport seems to be always busy. The buzzing passengers, the busiest employees, the watchful guards, the lined sophisticated vehicles with people waiting to receive the tourists keep this airport always crowded. Roughly estimated, that more than 6 millions of visitors land in this airport to explore Sicily every year from overseas. And the things draw such a huge foreigners attention include rich history, fabulous weather, great food, wonderful hospitality, spectacular vistas and  its proximity to fantastic beaches. Think of for Transfer from Catania to Taormina. Taormina, a great island in Sicily welcomes you to explore it. You would have no any problem of transfer since you are picked up from the airport on your day one of landing in Sicily till you are left in the airport to fly back to your home land.

The land seems easy to be discovered with the Taxi or Transfer in Sicily. Sicily, an ancient and charming land, rich in history and traditions, is pleased to welcome you and tell its story through the testimony of its glorious past and to surprise you with the many facets of its enchanting landscapes, often wild and untouched, but always charming in their simplicity.

Generally the travellers travelling Sicily prefer to hire a car from the Catania Airport, so that, they can have their own freedom to set their itinerary. A mushrooming numbers of companies are providing the car hire all through Sicily and price always remains best due to heavy competition. . Hence Taxi Catania is always the best option. Secondly, it is important to make sure that the taxi has a running meter to determine your taxi fare. The Catania Airport taxi service is provided with the help of a radio call and all the travellers need to do is to make a call and the taxi will come and pick him/her up. The car hire helps them to explore the best sites existing in both in Catania and Taormina, a 45 minute drive to northward from the airport which considered being one of the most picturesque hillside towns in Sicily which provides the most memorable views down over Ionia Sea and outing to Mount Etna.

It is not easy to unveil the marvels of such a landscape like Sicily with a long civilization, culture and tradition. Your Tour of Sicily would bring you to such a land where nature seems to have endowed all its wonders to it:   mountains, hills, sea beds and above you feel the mixed culture of three continents like Europe, Africa and Asia in one island. May it be the monuments and buildings from Roman to Baroque which pay testament to diverse past of Taormina, or exploration of the historical treasures of Siracusa, Sicilian transfer has always gone beyond expectation? The local train and the public bus facility in Catania relate to most of the spectacular sites and are relatively cheaper than the car hire. But if you want to have more sites seeing, then car hire is the best option. Relax yourself in Castelmola, a small medieval town just up from Catania, famous for almond-wine and surprising works of embroidery.

Immerse yourself with the marvels of the picturesque town of Taormina or get involved with tennis, scuba diving, or golf, Sicily Airport Transfer: the leader in transfer and Excursion in Sicily would be your 1st choice. We would carry you with comfort from the highest volcano of Europe to the splendorous beaches in Taormina by which you would have the most relaxing and memorable vacation here in this land. You would have a service from us with a different flavour which would last with you for long since you leave this land. Just drop us a mail to find your Sicily tour once in a lifetime experience. 


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