The Top 16 Things You Never Knew About Sicily

Sicily the biggest Italian island strikes to mind first when we think of a beach vacation especially to spend some exclusive time with our family and the friends.

A number of curious archaeological sites, popular beaches, several archipelagos and islets make it one of the top choices for the seasoned travellers who love to soak with the sea sand and sun.
Sicily best known for secluded beaches that best suit to those love nature and calmness receives a good number of tourists every year. Starting from the decorative cities, the beautiful Mount Etna, the superb gardens and the exhilarating coast line, it appears as beautiful as a newly married woman and welcomes the entire local and the travellers from abroad with the sweet tune of its fantastic natural beauty.

A perfect blend of mild climate, rich history, good cuisine, vibrant nightlife and, after all, a warm atmosphere adds more value to the travel by making it a year round destination.
Had Sicily been exposed perfectly to the rest of the world it could have received more numbers of tourists than receiving now? People simply take it as a beach destination this is why most of the people are deprived of from visiting a land that offers much more than it displays to the rest of the world.

This article is going to reveal you some of the facts on Sicily which are still in darkness for many of the visitors want to have a beach vacation on their next holiday.  The following 16 information would help you to know Sicily in the best manner and to pack for it on our next holidaying.

1) It’s the largest island in the Mediterranean, spanning 10,000m² and taking about three and a half hours to drive from east to west. It can easily be reached by taking an international flight to any of the international Airport of it. It is a surprise that being a tiny island it has three numbers of international airports and most visitors start their Sicily exploration from Catania. Besides the major Sicilian cities such as Palermo, Catania, Messina, Syracuse, Agrigento, Taormina, and Trapani have good rail links. It is easy and the cost effective to travel around.

2) Its home to the tallest active volcano in Europe, Mount Etna; standing at 10,890 feet. This volcanic beauty is one of the biggest draw cards of Sicily in attracting the tourists from outside. Its exotic beauty goes beyond the imagination of everyone visiting it. The vast vista of changing landscapes and vegetations on Mount Etna is the dream for everyone who gives priority to the nature on their Sicily Tour. Remember no Mount Etna visit is complete without tasting the local wine that grows from the rich, volcanic ash.

3) The island has many different types of beach, from rocky to sandy; six of which have been awarded Blue Flag status. This is the quality certificate awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education an international organization that is focusing on the best resort of sea and maritime harbours. For getting the Blue Flag, a beach should feature outstanding quality for water purification, waste management, cycling paths, green spaces and facilities. You can make your travel qualitatively superb by visiting to any of the beaches obtained the certificate.

4) Sicily boasts seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites; the most recent of which is Arab-Norman Palermo and the cathedral churches of Cefalù and Monreale, listed in 2015. With its treasures of historical, cultural and natural importance, Sicily earlier had 6 sites listed in the World Heritage List. The country has a great cultural heritage being ruled by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, Arabs and Normans, French and Spanish who have left many prints of their ruling period in constructional works which are gradually being enlisted by the UNESCO. This is not the end. Sicily has so much fantasies that, the number of UNESCO world heritage may increase in future. 
5) Despite what you might think, The Godfather Tour wasn’t actually filmed in Corleone. The majority was filmed in Taormina or Messina province. Many scenes throughout the epic trilogy were filmed in the Sicilian villages of Savoca and Forzà d'Agrò. Taormina is formidably beautiful with Mount Etna at its back drop and its beauty has attracted many a local and international film makers to shoot. 

 6) It’s more than acceptable to eat ice cream for breakfast. It’s something that the locals do and, don’t forget, you’re on holiday! There is nothing to be amazed. You would be served ice-cream in many of the restaurants in Sicily to begin your day’s food. Don’t fear, you would be served the strong black coffee, with or without milk, with few biscuits or some sliced bread with butter and jam.

7) In Sicily, you’ll find the most amazing pistachios you’ve ever tasted. And, while we’re on the subject, it’d be a crime not to taste them in either ice cream or a mouth-watering cannolo. The pistachios eaten by Sicilians came from eastern Sicily, where they are still grown, particularly around Mount Etna and in the Bronte area. Pistachios are a good source of protein, fat, fiber, vitamin B6 and thiamine. Take it not to feel tired during your Holiday In Sicily.

8) If you love nature, you’ll be excited to hear that you’ll find the world’s largest and oldest chestnut tree on the island. The Hundred Horse Chestnut is aged between 2,000 and 4,000 years. This is oldest in Sicily and believed to be the oldest in Europe. The most amazing story that runs about the tree is that Parts of its trunk was burnt at one point a house was built into the giant tree. Yet it survives.

9) The island’s fascinating Greek ruins rival even those found in Greece! Some of the best-preserved ones can be found in and around Syracuse, Taormina and Agrigento. Visit the cities to understand the ancient Greece. You would find some of the best monuments that are at par with the existing historic monuments in Greece.

10) Sicily knows how to do sardines. And one of the most popular dishes to sample them in is Palermo’s iconic ‘pasta con le sarde’. Delicious. Nothing is more Sicilian than pasta con le sarde. Fennel and sardines are so plentiful in Sicily that this dish jumps right out of nature.

11) There are loads of great things to do in Sicily, including island hopping and visiting the impressive Valley of the Temples. Besides visiting to the beautiful island beaches the tour would be incomplete without a visit to the valley of temples the archaeological park consists of eight temples. The Valley of the Temples is certainly the most important testimony of the ancient, classical culture of Sicily.

12) It’s considered to be a year-round destination, thanks to its Mediterranean climate of hot summers and mild winters. As to its weather pattern is concern you can take a visit to this island at any time of the year.

13) The capital city of Palermo has been named ‘the Culture Capital of Italy’ for 2018. In recent years tourism in the area has increased and the after the winning of the award the Government is planning to take some measures to promote cultural activities and invest in its artistic heritage.

14) Palermo has also been given the title of ‘the European Capital of Street Food’, so make sure you head there to experience incredible foods to tantalise your taste buds. You can find some fast, cheap and pleasurable, street food here of your choice. It is a paradise for food lovers.

15) While in Sicily, you can visit the largest theatre and opera house in all of Italy; Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele. Beautiful and quite impressive from architectural point, Palermo's neoclassical opera house is the largest in Italy and the second-largest in Europe.

16) There are only one and a half miles separating Sicily from Italy’s mainland. The Strait of Messina Bridge is a long-planned suspension bridge across the Strait of Messina, a narrow section of water between the eastern tip of Sicily and the southern tip of mainland Italy.

If you want to perfectly soak with the nature  culture and adventure in this Italian island and combine your Sicily tour with Italy then just click on or for further information dial to +39 0942 985445.We would give you the best quote and the best of Sicily that would last with you forever. April to early June and late September to October are the best times to visit Sicily, if planning for a beach vacation on your next trip


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